Look! We Wrote something for you!
For all of the new features that we are building into New Foundations, the expansion boils down to a pretty simple realignment of the game. Previously, most players would direct their entire attention towards winning. Each game culminates with a gigantic scrum, or, what folks sometimes call a “crab bucket.” I have no idea if this term is used affectionately, but I’ve often liked the image. Certainly the end of a game of Oath can feel like you are trapped with a bucket of pointy little creatures trying climb over each other in a mad scramble to get to the top.
Hello everyone! Josh here, designer of the Homeland Expansion. Today we’re releasing the third print-and-play, including some stuff that you haven’t seen yet: the three new Hirelings and all of the Captains for the Knaves of the Deepwood. You’ll find all of that here.
All in all, the project is right on schedule. On the design side, I expect a couple more months of serious development. I’ll release one more Print-and-Play when we’re all done, which will include the maps, landmarks, and three new Vagabonds. On the production side, we’ve received and approved samples for almost all of our hard components. Here’s a (literal) handful of them, including the three new Captains.
Today we’re releasing a massive print-and-play kit for Oath: New Foundations. Just about every element seen in the previous kit has received some polish, and, if you haven’t paid attention to the expansion since the Kickstarter, this is a pretty good time to take a look at how the design is shaping up.
We're pretty cool

Based in Saint Paul, Minnesota, we are a spunky indie board game publisher with asymmetric tendencies. We strive to make exciting, narrative driven games that are fun to play while being artistically and socially conscious.
We are best known for publishing the following acclaimed games: Vast: The Crystal Caverns, Vast: The Mysterious Manor, Root: A Game of Woodland Might and Right, Fort, Ahoy, and Oath: Chronicles of Empire and Exile.