
Designer/Developer Diary, Oath

Oath: New Foundations | Development Diary 2 - You Say You Want a Revolution?

For all of the new features that we are building into New Foundations, the expansion boils down to a pretty simple realignment of the game. Previously, most players would direct their entire attention towards winning. Each game culminates with a gigantic scrum, or, what folks sometimes call a “crab bucket.” I have no idea if this term is used affectionately, but I’ve often liked the image. Certainly the end of a game of Oath can feel like you are trapped with a bucket of pointy little creatures trying climb over each other in a mad scramble to get to the top.

Designer/Developer Diary, Root

Root: The Homeland Expansion | Designer Diary #7: Captains Reveal and More!

Hello everyone! Josh here, designer of the Homeland Expansion. Today we’re releasing the third print-and-play, including some stuff that you haven’t seen yet: the three new Hirelings and all of the Captains for the Knaves of the Deepwood. You’ll find all of that here.

All in all, the project is right on schedule. On the design side, I expect a couple more months of serious development. I’ll release one more Print-and-Play when we’re all done, which will include the maps, landmarks, and three new Vagabonds. On the production side, we’ve received and approved samples for almost all of our hard components. Here’s a (literal) handful of them, including the three new Captains.

Designer/Developer Diary, Oath

Oath: New Foundations | Development Diary 1 - Stability and Change

Today we’re releasing a massive print-and-play kit for Oath: New Foundations. Just about every element seen in the previous kit has received some polish, and, if you haven’t paid attention to the expansion since the Kickstarter, this is a pretty good time to take a look at how the design is shaping up.

Designer/Developer Diary, Root

Root: The Homeland Expansion | Design Diary #6 - Development Update and New Print-and-Plays!

Today, I’d like to talk about how the factions’ development has come along, highlighting what we learned from the first print-and-play release and further playtesting, and giving a sense of how I feel about their current state and where we need to go next.


Arcs | The Official Development Kit

It's our pleasure to share with you all the official development kit for Arcs. Pretty much every icon and card template in the game (and the campaign game) can be constructed with the assets in this kit. If you've ever wanted to make some custom art for your favorite guild card or try your hand at crafting a plotline, you'll find everything you need here. In addition, we've included an InDesign file features most of the game's paragraph styles and a PDF that explains how to put the files together.

Designer/Developer Diary, Kickstarter, Root

Root: The Homeland Expansion | Design Diary #5 - Knavish Behavior

Throughout concepting the Homeland Expansion, the question loomed: "What's the other thing in the box?" In each big expansion, we try not to just add more of the same, but something fundamentally new. Riverfolk included our earliest attempt at a bot. Underworld had new maps along with a new piece type that would become the landmarks. Marauder introduced hirelings and advanced setup.

Designer/Developer Diary, Root

Root: The Homeland Expansion | Design Diary #4 - Fresh Terrain

Hey everyone, I want to give you a quick peek at the maps and how we’re thinking through them as we spin up their development. I’m so glad to see all the excitement for the Homeland Expansion, and I’m looking forward to seeing your reaction on launch day.

The Homeland Expansion will be the second time we’re adding new maps to the game. It includes two new maps: the Marsh map and the Gorge map.

Designer/Developer Diary, Kickstarter, Root

Root: The Homeland Expansion | Design Diary #3: The Twilight Council

Sickened by the enduring conflict, the Twilight Council hosts assemblies to end the war, bringing together all the Woodland from the lowliest mouse-in-a-sack to the mightiest hawk with a royal claim. The assemblies emphasize political connections over pure numbers of warriors, pushing the factions away from bloody battle and toward heated debate. As the Council progresses in their mission, they can declare edicts to change how the assemblies work, manipulating their enemies’ incentives and actions.

Designer/Developer Diary, Kickstarter, Root

Root: The Homeland Expansion | Design Diary #2: Old Faces and New

Throughout history, diasporas have played a critical role in societies and their politics. Because of their precarious position, they have been used and abused by monarchs, empires, and hegemonic cultures, whether through labor exploitation, use as a political wedge, or scapegoating. So it’s about time that they got their due in Root, in the form of the Lilypad Diaspora. In case you’re not familiar with them yet, here’s how I pitch them: