Root: The Clockwork Expansion 2!
Compete against four new automated factions!
Logical Lizards
Tear down their gardens before their swarms of zealous acolytes dig your grave.

Riverfolk Robots
Trade with them for mercenaries
and more to defeat your foes. Their services carry a price, though, so make sure you win before they're strong enough to collect.

Cogwheel Corvids
Foil their plots and root out their agents, or else they'll press the Woodland to do their will.

Drillbit Duchy
Hold your ground against the invading hordes and stop their ministers from organizing your defeat.

Booklets. Law of Rootbotics.
Cardboard Pieces. 12 Priority Markers.
Cards. 12 Difficulties, 20 Traits, 3 Vagabots, 1 Interaction, 11 Services.
Other. 4 Faction Boards.